River Legacy Foundation has received a $100,000 matching challenge grant from an anonymous donor, so all donations made to River Legacy during North Texas Giving Day via www.northtexasgivingday.org will be doubled! This is in addition to the percentage of bonus funds and prizes we are eligible to receive – not only stretching your donated dollar on September 14, but doubling it!
Join the North Texas Giving Day movement and support River Legacy by:
- Scheduling your gift in advance! This year, you can schedule your donation beginning at 8 am on Thursday, Sept. 7 through midnight Sept. 13. Schedule your gift online here. Scheduled donations will be processed on Sept. 14.
Eating at Blaze Pizza on Sept. 12!Join us for lunch between 11 am and 3 pm or dinner between 5 pm and 8 pm at Blaze Pizza at 841 E. Lamar Blvd. Download this flier to print or show on your phone and Blaze Pizza will donate 20% of the proceeds to River Legacy. Stop by our table to schedule your North Texas Giving Day donation for a chance to spin the Blaze Pizza Ring of Fire & win fabulous prizes!
- Giving on Sept. 14! Maximize and double your donations by giving to River Legacy Foundation on North Texas Giving Day between 6 am and midnight on Sept. 14. Donate online here or stop by the Science Center and we will be happy to assist you with your online donation.
- Attending the Arlington Gives! Concert on Sept. 14. Join and support River Legacy at this FREE concert from 6:30 to 9:30 pm featuring the Josh Weathers Band. Come vote for River Legacy for the $10,000 People’s Choice Grant and donate at the River Legacy table in the showcase of charities.
- Spreading the word! Encourage your friends and families to join the movement and to Get Up and Give to River Legacy Foundation on Sept. 14.
- Following us on Social Media! Like and share us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t forget to tag us at #RiverLegacy and #NTxGivingDay.
We are always so grateful for the generosity and support of our donors during this annual community giving experience. All donations and matching funds will help us to close the $200,000 funding gap on our $2.5 million Transformation Campaign. The renovation of River Legacy’s exhibit hall is already underway, featuring interactive, educational, museum-quality exhibits and classroom spaces. We can’t wait to share it with you!
Thank you in advance. We look forward to your participation in the 9th annual North Texas Giving Day on Sept. 14.